For now…

Piggy backing off my last piece, I came to realize the other day that I am surrounded by married couples. My colleagues, my friends… it just seemed that it wasn’t too long ago that people I generally interact with were all just like me. But it’s to be expected isn’t it? You know… as we all grow older, we move from one chapter of life to the other and we dive in to make the most of what this stage of our lives has to offer.

I remember in my late twenties, I questioned myself quite often. Why can’t I find that special someone… ??? Like my friends, like my colleagues… some have already been together for a decade already… something that is beyond fathomable and understanding in my mind. I didn’t feel like I was missing out. I wanted to make my own story… but looking at them from the third person angle, it just seemed so easy compared to the challenges I was facing. As I grew wiser, I realized that the problem lied with me, but it was okay because I knew that they just weren’t right for me.

Later last week, I was reflecting back about my experiences over the past few years, few months, and the last few weeks. It was then that I felt happy. I was glad that I am single at this stage of my life. Because I am not attached, I have the opportunity to meet more friends. I have the freedom to go where I like, do what I want to do, and sleep as late as I want in the weekends. Okay… maybe not the last bit because I still have to get up and attend the brunches I have with some friends, haha…

I can honestly say to myself, I am enjoying where I am right now… for now…

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